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Referee Continuing Education
NJSRC's Referee Continuing Education:
Join us for our monthly Referee Continuing Education topics.
Thursday 20
Offside - Logan Brown
Tuesday 4 and Thursday 20
Challenges Above the Shoulders - Laura Rodriguez
Tuesday 8 and Thursday 24
Advantage - Albert Calise
Tuesday 6 and Thursday 22
Positioning Around the Penalty Area
Referees will be admitted into class beginning at 7:45 pm, with class starting promptly at 8 pm. Late arrivals are not permitted. Registration for each session closes 11:59 PM, two days prior to the session. Emails with Zoom links will be sent out the day prior to all those who registered for that week's session. If you do not receive an email, please make sure to check your spam folder. Office hours are M-F 9am-2pm only.
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