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NJ State Referee Committee


This Association shall be known as The USSF New Jersey State Referee Committee, Inc., also referred to interchangeably as the NJ SRC.


  1. The organization is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The purpose of the NJ SRC is to administer the National Referee Development Program of the United States Soccer Federation and to develop the quality and quantity of Federation referees, assessors, instructors, and assignors, and register those referees, assessors, instructors, and assignors required to serve the Adult and Youth State Associations in achieving excellence in officiating, governance, education, and administration. [Modified August 18, 2004]

  2. The NJ SRC or its members will not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, or disability.



The NJ SRC shall be an affiliate of, and comply with the authority of, the United States Soccer Federation (USSF).



NJ SRC shall maintain its tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code.




The NJ SRC shall carry out its purpose through a Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors, which shall be the State Referee Committee permitted by USSF Rules, Policy 531-1, Section 4, shall be composed of:

1. the State Referee Administrator (“SRA”)
2. the State Youth Referee Administrator (“SYRA”)
3. the State Adult Referee Administrator (“SARA”)
4. the State Association representative from New Jersey Soccer Association
5. the State Association representative from New Jersey Youth Soccer Association “NJYS”)
6. the State Director of Assessment (“SDA”)
7. the State Director of Instruction (“SDI”)
8. the State Adult Assignor Coordinator (SAAC”) without a vote
9. the State Youth Assignor Coordinator (SYAC”) without a vote
10. the Secretary/Treasurer without a vote
(modifications in bold as of 1/10/07)


No member of the NJ SRC, except for the representatives from the New Jersey Soccer Association and New Jersey Youth Soccer Association, shall serve as the chief executive officer of any member league of the Associations or of either State Association.


Each of the members of the NJ SRC referred to in section 1 of this Article V shall be appointed to a two-year term (and, if otherwise qualified, may be reappointed for subsequent two-year terms) as follows:

1. the SRA, appointed by the two State Associations for a term beginning in even-numbered years.

2. the SYRA, appointed by NJYSA with the advice of the SRA for a term beginning in even numbered years

3. the SARA, appointed by NJSA with the advice of the SRA for a term beginning in even numbered years

4. the NJSA State Association representative, appointed by NJSA.

5. the NJYSA State Association representative, appointed by NJYSA.

6. the SDA, appointed by the SRA with the concurrence with the two State Associations, for a term beginning in odd-numbered years

7. the SDI, appointed by the SRA with the concurrence of the two State Associations, for a term beginning in even-numbered years.

8. the SAAC, appointed by NJSA for a term beginning in odd-numbered years.

9. the SYAC, appointed by NJSA for a term beginning in odd-numbered years.

10. the Secretary/Treasurer, appointed by the two State Associations for a term beginning in even-numbered years.
(modifications in bold as of 1/10/07)


The duties and responsibilities of each member of the NJ SRC shall be as set out below:

1. The SRA —
(1) serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the NJ SRC;
(2) presides at meetings of the NJ SRC;
(3) is responsible for the operations and administration of the referee program and supervises the technical members;
(4) serves as liaison between the USSF Referee Committee and the NJ SRC; and
(5)co-signs checks with the Treasurer.
(6) Shall provide information to the Adult and Youth bodies relative to the status of all referees

2. The SYRA —
(1) shall assist the SRA with special emphasis on youth matters;
(2) shall be responsible for the Recreation Referee Program;
(3) in the absence of the SRA, the SYRA shall be responsible for matters concerning youth soccer

3. The SARA —
(1) shall assist the SRA with special emphasis on adult matters;
(2) in the absence of the SRA, the SARA shall be responsible for matters concerning adult soccer

5. The SAAC will coordinate the Adult State Association Assignors and the SYAC will coordinate the Youth State Association Assignors. Both State Assignor Coordinators shall work with each other to accommodate special requests and needs of both state associations.
(modifications in bold as of 1/10/07)

6. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible:

(1) to maintain accurate and detailed records of all meetings of the Board of Directors, and to distribute the unapproved minutes of those meetings to all members of the NJ SRC and the Presidents of the State Associations within ten (10) days following the meetings;

(2) to oversee the financial receipts of the NJ SRC under the direction of the Board of Directors. He/She shall ensure that funds collected are deposited in the name of NJ SRC and shall oversee disbursements for those purposes authorized by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall oversee the investments of NJ SRC funds in securities and other savings accounts as approved by the Board of Directors;

(3) to pay all accounts due by check which shall bear two (2) authorized signatures, one of which shall be the Treasurer’s;

(4) to oversee that proper books of account are kept and to ensure that they are available for review by the Board of Directors and to render to the officers and the Board of Directors a report of all activities as Treasurer;

(5) to submit to the Board of Directors at each quarterly meeting a complete report of income and expenses to date for the fiscal year along with a comparison with the budgeted amount for each line item;

(6) to submit, as soon as practicable after the end of each fiscal year, to the Board of Directors a statement of the financial condition of the NJ SRC certified by an independent accountant consisting of a balance sheet and related statements of income and expenses, and of the status of, or changes in, all funds for the preceding year;

(7) to cooperate with the Chairperson of the Finance/Budget Committee;

(8) to be bonded, at the expense of the NJ SRC, in such amount and with such surety or sureties as the Board of Directors may, in its sole discretion, require; and

(9) to perform all duties generally incident to the office and as may from time to time be assigned by the Board of Directors and SRA.


1. 1. The fiscal year of the NJ SRC shall be from July 1 through June 30 of the following calendar year. [Modified August 18, 2004]

2. The NJ SRC shall provide for fiscal controls and accounting procedures, consistent with generally accepted accounting principles, it considers appropriate to ensure the prudent use, proper disbursement, and accurate accounting of all money of the NJ SRC, including having a review or audit of the accounts of the NJ SRC conducted annually.

3. The SRA, with assistance from the other members of the NJ SRC, shall prepare a proposed annual budget for the NJ SRC. The proposed budget shall be submitted to the NJ SRC not later than April 15th of each year for its approval. On approval of the budget by the NJ SRC, copies of the approved budget shall be provided to the two State Associations. [Modified August 18, 2004]

4. The NJ SRC shall provide the two State Associations with quarterly financial statements on the operations of the NJ SRC.

5. Subject to approval and appointment of the NJ SRC, The SRA shall recommend a Finance/Budget Committee, to be chaired by a member of the Board of Directors other than the Secretary/Treasurer.



The NJ SRC shall meet at least 4 times a year upon notice as provided below. A special meeting of the NJ SRC shall be called on the request of any three (3) voting members of the NJ SRC. Notification for all meetings shall be provided to all members of the NJ SRC and the Presidents of the State Associations not fewer than twenty (20) days before the meeting.

A quorum, which shall consist of a simple majority of the members of the NJ SRC must be present at the beginning of a meeting at which business will be conducted. Proceedings of the SRC shall be conducted in accordance with the latest authorized version of Robert’s Rules of Order.


Any proposed amendment to these By-Laws must be received by the Secretary/Treasurer of the NJ SRC, in writing, not fewer than forty-five (45) days prior to a quarterly meeting. The Secretary shall send to all members of the NJ SRC a copy of said proposed amendment not fewer than thirty (30) days prior to the quarterly meeting.

The approval of any proposed amendment to the By-Laws shall require an affirmative vote of sixty-six and 2/3 (66 2/3%) percent of the votes of the NJ SRC members. Any changes to the By-Laws shall become effective upon the adjournment of the meeting at which they are approved.


In addition to the Committees set forth specifically in these By-Laws, the SRA, with the consent of the NJ SRC, may appoint such other committees, as the SRA may deem appropriate, to assist in carrying out the purposes of the NJ SRC.

  1. Finance/Budget Committee: This committee shall, periodically as it may determine, review with the Secretary/Treasurer the books and accounts of the NJ SRC. This Committee will also arrange for and oversee the annual audit of the books of account required by these By-Laws. This Committee may also issue standards, guidelines, and requirements related to fiscal policies, including, but not limited to, appropriate support for claimed reimbursable expenses.



To ensure that the two State Associations (or their successors, as appropriate) will be able to continue the purposes of the NJ SRC in the event that the NJ SRC shall be dissolved as permitted by or by operation of New Jersey law, the funds and assets of the NJ SRC shall be distributed to the two State Associations pursuant to the proportional formula set forth in this Article VIII provided that the above named organizations are exempt under section 501(c)(3) or corresponding section of any future federal tax code at the time dissolution takes place. The fractional share to be distributed to each State Association shall be determined according to the number of players register by each State Association, where the numerator of the fraction shall be the number of registered players, and the denominator shall be the combined number of players registered by both State Associations.

If assets cannot be distributed as described above, upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government for public purpose. [Modified August 18, 2004]

Contact Us

New Jersey State Referee Committee
109 White Oak Lane, Suite 72 H
Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857
Office: (732) 607-1374

Fax: (732) 607-0296



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